Baptism Request
Please complete one form for each person to be baptized.
Your InformationPlease provide your information. Information related to the person being baptized will be provided in the next section.
First Name*
Last Name*
Mailing Address*
Mobile Phone* US +1MX +52NZ +64AC +247AD +376AE +971AF +93AG +1AI +1AL +355AM +374AO +244AR +54AS +1AT +43AU +61AW +297AX +358AZ +994BA +387BB +1BD +880BE +32BF +226BG +359BH +973BI +257BJ +229BL +590BM +1BN +673BO +591BQ +599BR +55BS +1BT +975BW +267BY +375BZ +501CA +1CC +61CD +243CF +236CG +242CH +41CI +225CK +682CL +56CM +237CN +86CO +57CR +506CU +53CV +238CW +599CX +61CY +357CZ +420DE +49DJ +253DK +45DM +1DO +1DZ +213EC +593EE +372EG +20EH +212ER +291ES +34ET +251FI +358FJ +679FK +500FM +691FO +298FR +33GA +241GB +44GD +1GE +995GF +594GG +44GH +233GI +350GL +299GM +220GN +224GP +590GQ +240GR +30GT +502GU +1GW +245GY +592HK +852HN +504HR +385HT +509HU +36ID +62IE +353IL +972IM +44IN +91IO +246IQ +964IR +98IS +354IT +39JE +44JM +1JO +962JP +81KE +254KG +996KH +855KI +686KM +269KN +1KP +850KR +82KW +965KY +1KZ +7LA +856LB +961LC +1LI +423LK +94LR +231LS +266LT +370LU +352LV +371LY +218MA +212MC +377MD +373ME +382MF +590MG +261MH +692MK +389ML +223MM +95MN +976MO +853MP +1MQ +596MR +222MS +1MT +356MU +230MV +960MW +265MY +60MZ +258NA +264NC +687NE +227NF +672NG +234NI +505NL +31NO +47NP +977NR +674NU +683OM +968PA +507PE +51PF +689PG +675PH +63PK +92PL +48PM +508PR +1PS +970PT +351PW +680PY +595QA +974RE +262RO +40RS +381RU +7RW +250SA +966SB +677SC +248SD +249SE +46SG +65SH +290SI +386SJ +47SK +421SL +232SM +378SN +221SO +252SR +597SS +211ST +239SV +503SX +1SY +963SZ +268TA +290TC +1TD +235TG +228TH +66TJ +992TK +690TL +670TM +993TN +216TO +676TR +90TT +1TV +688TW +886TZ +255UA +380UG +256UY +598UZ +998VA +39VC +1VE +58VG +1VI +1VN +84VU +678WF +681WS +685XK +383YE +967YT +262ZA +27ZM +260ZW +263
AT&TBell MobilityRogers WirelessSprintT-MobileTelusUS CellularVerizonAIO WirelessAlaska CommunicationsAlaska DigitelAlltelAppalachian WirelessArch WirelessAssurance WirelessBluegrass CellularBoost MobileC Beyond (All Page Wireless)C SpireC Spire (Cellular South)Carolina West WirelessCellcomCellular OneCellular One IllinoisCellular One NationCellular SouthCentennialCenturytelChat MobilityChatr MobileCincinnati BellCingularCleartalkComcast PCSConsumer CellularCorr WirelessCredoCricketFamily MobileFidoFreedom MobileGeneral Communications Inc.Google Project FiGoPhoneH2OInland CellulariWirelessKoodo MobileLycaM1 WirelessManitoba Telecom ServicesMetroPCSMint MobileMosaic TelecomNemontNet10 WirelessNex-Tech WirelessNextelnTelos WirelessOptusPatriot MobilePC TelecomPine CellularPocketPure Talk USAQwestRepublic WirelessSasktelSimple MobileSolo BellSolo MobileSouthern Link WirelessSpectrum MobileStraight Talk - AT&TStraight Talk - Sprint PCSStraight Talk - T-MobileStraight Talk - TracfoneStraight Talk - VerizonTelstraTextNow.meTing(CDMA)Ting(GSM)Total WirelessUltra MobileVerizon Alt.Viaero WirelessVirgin Mobile (Canada)Virgin Mobile (US)VoiceStream WirelessWestlinkXfinity Mobile
Home Phone US +1MX +52NZ +64AC +247AD +376AE +971AF +93AG +1AI +1AL +355AM +374AO +244AR +54AS +1AT +43AU +61AW +297AX +358AZ +994BA +387BB +1BD +880BE +32BF +226BG +359BH +973BI +257BJ +229BL +590BM +1BN +673BO +591BQ +599BR +55BS +1BT +975BW +267BY +375BZ +501CA +1CC +61CD +243CF +236CG +242CH +41CI +225CK +682CL +56CM +237CN +86CO +57CR +506CU +53CV +238CW +599CX +61CY +357CZ +420DE +49DJ +253DK +45DM +1DO +1DZ +213EC +593EE +372EG +20EH +212ER +291ES +34ET +251FI +358FJ +679FK +500FM +691FO +298FR +33GA +241GB +44GD +1GE +995GF +594GG +44GH +233GI +350GL +299GM +220GN +224GP +590GQ +240GR +30GT +502GU +1GW +245GY +592HK +852HN +504HR +385HT +509HU +36ID +62IE +353IL +972IM +44IN +91IO +246IQ +964IR +98IS +354IT +39JE +44JM +1JO +962JP +81KE +254KG +996KH +855KI +686KM +269KN +1KP +850KR +82KW +965KY +1KZ +7LA +856LB +961LC +1LI +423LK +94LR +231LS +266LT +370LU +352LV +371LY +218MA +212MC +377MD +373ME +382MF +590MG +261MH +692MK +389ML +223MM +95MN +976MO +853MP +1MQ +596MR +222MS +1MT +356MU +230MV +960MW +265MY +60MZ +258NA +264NC +687NE +227NF +672NG +234NI +505NL +31NO +47NP +977NR +674NU +683OM +968PA +507PE +51PF +689PG +675PH +63PK +92PL +48PM +508PR +1PS +970PT +351PW +680PY +595QA +974RE +262RO +40RS +381RU +7RW +250SA +966SB +677SC +248SD +249SE +46SG +65SH +290SI +386SJ +47SK +421SL +232SM +378SN +221SO +252SR +597SS +211ST +239SV +503SX +1SY +963SZ +268TA +290TC +1TD +235TG +228TH +66TJ +992TK +690TL +670TM +993TN +216TO +676TR +90TT +1TV +688TW +886TZ +255UA +380UG +256UY +598UZ +998VA +39VC +1VE +58VG +1VI +1VN +84VU +678WF +681WS +685XK +383YE +967YT +262ZA +27ZM +260ZW +263
Are you registering a child or an adult for baptism?* Child (0-17)Adult (18+)
Baptism candidate name* Please list the first, middle and last name of the person who will be baptized.
Member type Profession of Faith: you have never been baptized or accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Reaffirmation: you have been baptized but not actively participating in a church. Transfer:
(within denomination) you are actively participating at another United Methodist church and desire to move your membership
(from another denomination) you are actively participating at another United Methodist church and desire to move your membership from a church that is not United Methodist
Non-member: not currently an active member of Saint Mark's
Profession of FaithTransfer within denominationTransfer from another denominationReaffirmation of FaithNon-member
Information must be submitted for minor children
Hospital and City/State where your child was born.* Information must be submitted for minor children who are not confirmands.
Mother's First and Last Name*
Mother's Mobile phone number*
Mother's E-mail Address*
Father's First and Last Name*
Father's Mobile phone number*
Father's E-mail Address*
Baptism candidates or their parents are Required to participate in an orientation PRIOR TO baptism. The Office Administrator will contact you to schedule your preparatory meeting in advance. Our Pastor will spend time with candidates and/or their families reviewing this meaningful and memorable occasion, and sacrament of our faith.
These preparatory meetings can be virtual or in-person and last one hour.
Baptisms are not confirmed until a candidate/family member is contacted by the Office Administrator.
Choose the Sunday you would like for the baptism to occur.* Please choose the time you would like the baptism to occur.
Worship Time* Please choose the time you would like the baptism to occur. 9:00 am10:30 am