Markings Newsletter

Volume: 92 | Issue: 2
A Letter From Rev. Quentisha Davis Wiles, MSW, ASW, MDIV, Senior Pastor
Beloved Saint Mark’s Family,
As we embrace 2025, our year of “Living Our Faith,” I am filled with anticipation for the transformative journey ahead. This year calls us to something deeper – an authentic expression of faith that permeates every aspect of our lives.
In Hebrews 11:1, we are reminded that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” This divine substance, as understood in spiritual terms, is “everywhere present, pervades all things, and inspires to action. It underlines all manifestation and spiritual essence, the living energy out of which everything is made.” This substance becomes our anchor, holding us steady when life’s uncertainties surround us.
This month, we delve into “Matters of the Heart” – that sacred space where our spiritual life takes root and flourishes. The scripture tells us in Jeremiah 17:9-10, “The heart is deceitful above all things and extremely sick; Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives? ‘I, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds.’” These powerful words remind us that our hearts require constant examination, care, and divine guidance.
I invite you to join us on this profound journey of heart-centered faith. Come prepared for deep examination and healing, as we explore together what it truly means to live our faith wholeheartedly. This isn’t just about attending services – it’s about allowing our faith to transform us from within, building that divine substance that sustains us through all seasons.
As we gather, share, and grow together, may we each discover new depths to our faith journey. Bring your questions, your hopes, and your willingness to be transformed. Whether you’re just beginning to explore faith or have walked this path for years, there’s room for everyone to grow deeper in understanding and stronger in faith.
With love and hope for the journey ahead, I pray that the peace of Christ fills your hearts and guides your paths. May His comfort surround you, His wisdom direct you, and His love transform you as we walk this faith journey together.
In Christ’s abundant love,
Pastor Q
Sunday School Happenings!
GUIDE will be our Word of the Month in Sunday School. A guide shows you the way. We will learn how Jesus guided his followers by teaching them how to pray (the Lord’s Prayer) calming them in a fierce storm, getting Zaccheus to come down from a tree and guiding Mary and Martha not to get distracted by things that are not important.
Come see what is hidden in the Wonder Box each week and how it relates to the morning message. We’ll also have activities you will enjoy. Also, join in the garden after worship on Sunday, February 9. Looking forward to seeing you in Sunday School!
Boni Fields, Sunday School Director, Mary Maret & Margie Shunk, Teachers, Mary Kohatsu, Garden & Music Coordinator
“Come hang with us. It’s super fun!”
Dear Grown-ups,
We need one of you to help our teacher on the 4th Sunday of the month from 10:00 AM until church ends. As I’m sure you already know, we are an exceptionally awesome bunch of kids. So, what’s the job? Easy-peezy. Help our cool teacher with a game or craft project and get to know us. You can even give us a “trial run” and sign up for one (or a few) Sundays. We think {wink wink} you’ll fall in love and want to help every Sunday! {fist bump} To learn more and sign up contact Sharon Grieve: 916-821-8302

First Friday Karaoke Night!
Friday, February 7
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Wesley Hall (Across from the Sanctuary)
Come serenade your sweetheart at the Friday Night Karaoke Ministry as we celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday February 7. Everything from Johnny Mathis’ “The Twelfth of Never” to Dolly Pardon’s “I Will Always Love You.” From Mary Wells’ “My Guy” to The Temptations “My Girl.” How about the song played while you danced your first dance with your partner?
Everyone is encouraged to bring a snack to share and there is an offering taken to help pay for our professional DJ. For more information please see Sharon Grieve or Ron West.
United Women in Faith (UWF) Take Part in the Valentine Run/Walk Saturday, February 8
The Valentine Run/Walk is kid friendly, stroller friendly, and canine-companion friendly! Participants are encouraged to wear their hearts on their sleeves, socks, tutus, onesies and collars. The Valentine Run/Walk benefits Legal Services of Northern California. Participants can choose to run/walk 4 or 1.8 miles. The event starts at 8:30 AM on the back side of Country Club Center and proceeds down Lusk Ave and Saint Mark’s so it is a perfect opportunity for Saint Mark’s to show their spirit and support of a worthy cause by either participating or cheering those on from our parking lot as they go by. For more race information go to or contact Margie Shunk.
Invitation to Drum Sessions
Dear friends,
We would like to invite you to drum sessions that we will be holding here at Saint Marks. In the past, Saint Marks held drum sessions with children and adults who enjoyed drumming and creating the beats. Come and find out how drumming can be a good way to loosen up and to energize your inner voice through a rhythmic movement of your hands and body.
We will meet for about 1 to 2 hours, between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM on the last Saturday of the month in the Sanctuary. We would like to bring drumming into 2025 as part of our social activities at Saint Marks.
We expect the group to be relaxed, relaxing and fun! For some of you it might be your first try at a drum session. Some may have been drumming informally for years, on pans when we were little kids, on tables or on the steering wheel of a car (while stopped at a red light of course). But there are techniques to be learned and shared.
We also expect it may be a chance to meet some new folks as well as deepen some friendships with people we already know. We will have some drums, but if you have a drum of any kind, please bring it. If you don’t have a drum, we will take turns with what we have, so everyone will get a chance to play. As we said earlier, our prime objective will be to have fun, and to give release to the rhythm in our soul, while learning something new.
Everyone is welcome.
Joel K Bulaya
The 49ers
From Church Historian Barbara Eychaner
In September 1953, a group of St. Mark’s folk meet as the 49er’s. Wally Walls was the first president and the most important thing on the agenda “was a good big feed.” What followed was an “old fashioned Methodist song fest.” The food and the music seem to be the most consistent activities over the years that they met. The location was always someone’s home, for the first few years. Only when the meeting consistently drew a crowd of more than about 30 did they retreat to the social hall (now Wesley Hall).
Although food occupied a place of primary importance, the group invested in other activities as well. The played a variety of games. And in May of 1954 they agreed to purchase a birthday gift for Dave (McMurdo, presumably). January 1957 a committee was formed to take care of greeters at the church door for the 10 a.m. service. By August 1961 they had expanded to include greeters for the 11:15 service.
The minutes also made regular comments of visitations, the adult Sunday school classes. Sunshine was always on the agenda. The group also pooled their resources to support the alter guild – to the tune of $12.50. The group held a country fair where men did the cooking and a taste of each food could be purchased for five cents! They collected money for landscaping at the youth center and enough for 18 trees on the St. Mark’s campus. They also supported a flood lighting system for the campus. The supported bell rings, though it is not clear if they were Salvation Army or something else. Occasionally they passed the hat to come up with the needed money and often got more than needed.
Some of the group attended the Convocation of Methodist Men at Mt. Hermon in November 1958. Thirty eight of the members attended the Centennial of Dutch Flats Methodist Church in August 1959 where Bishop Tippett was the speaker. One month they had a speaker who addressed the issues of retirement, taxes and social security. Another month they opted not to meet so that the School of Missions could use the social hall. A discussion about changing the group’s name ended with the decision to keep 49ers. They also requested that the Fellowship Hall be renamed McMurdo Hall, though that decision came much later.
The historic record does not tell us why the group selected the name 49ers — though one might suspect it had something to do with the gold rush, or perhaps most of the members were at least 49 years old… The last minutes were dated December 1967. It would be lovely to know what happened after that — did they change the name, dissolve all together, or are there more minutes from the next meetings in someone else’s collection, waiting to be discovered. What ever happened, it is clear they were a blessing to the congregation and easy to celebrate.

2025 Angola Volunteer-in-Mission Update
Eight people gathered on January 11 to begin planning the next mission trip to Angola. We confirmed travel dates of Tuesday, July 29 through Tuesday, August 12, to allow youth to travel before school starts for fall term. Volunteers beyond St. Mark’s are welcome. The team will meet on the third Saturday each month at 10 AM in room E25. We hope that donations will cover youth traveler expenses, so their parents don’t face a double burden. Remember that the church has other urgent financial needs this year, so VIM donations should be in addition to your pledge.

A letter from the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Ginny Romero, Co-Chair
SPRC would like to thank several people for filling in during Amelia’s maternity leave and Elizabeth’s medical leave.
Vivian Noble-Klein was the face in the office at the Administrator’s desk since September 2024. Vivian graciously stepped in to help Pastor Quentisha with several administrative tasks producing the content for bulletins, the Markings, and re:Mark’s. She worked well with the office volunteers and everyone who visited the office. It was a true joy having Vivian in the office. Thank you, Vivian, for being willing to do all of this for Saint Mark’s.
Abby Jaske worked remotely as the Graphic Designer for 4 months completing designs for the bulletins, re:Mark’s, and the Markings. She maintained the church social media platforms, made flyers, posters, and banners. Abby seamlessly completed behind-the-scenes tasks that most of us don’t know about. Thank you, Abby, for being willing to do all of the this for Saint Mark’s.
Ivan Gonzales worked 10 hours per week since November on custodial duties and projects. Thank you, Ivan, for your wonderful contributions to help maintain Saint Mark’s facilities.
Employment Opportunity
Open Position: Office Administrator. SPRC is looking to fill this vital position! The successful candidate is the face of Saint Mark’s for all who visit the office. The position’s hours are in the office Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. There may be additional hours for remote hours on Mondays. Prior administrative experience is required. If you know of someone who may be interested, please contact Ginny Romero at or Martti Eckert at as soon as possible.

2025 Annual Sacramento ACT Fundraiser
New Member Classes Begin Saturday, February 22
New Members classes begin bi-monthly starting February 22, and will occur again on Saturdays in April, June, August, October, and December from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Sign up in the narthex to join or contact the church office at (916) 483-7848.

Lenten Season is on the Horizon
Sign up for this year’s Lenten Studies by February 24. This year classes will begin on March 10 and continue Mondays & Thursdays through April 10, 2025. Look for a sign up sheet in the narthex or contact the church office (916) 483-7848.
Saint Mark’s Community,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your incredible love and support this Christmas season.
our thoughtful cards and generous gifts touched my heart deeply,
but even more meaningful was the warmth and kindness you’ve shown.
Each gesture reminded me how blessed I am to be part of such a caring church family.
Please know that your kindness has made this season especially meaningful.
I cherish our fellowship and am thankful for each and every one of you.
May God’s love continue to shine through our community.
With love and appreciation,
Pastor Q