Markings Newsletter

Volume: 90 | Issue: 12
From Rev. Quentisha Davis Wiles, MSW, ASW, MDIV, Senior Pastor
Dear Saint Mark’s Family and Community,
Blessings to you this Advent Season! I hope this finds you and your loved ones well. As we reflect on an eventful year, we’re reminded of the many changes and challenges we’ve faced together. The rapid rise of technology, the growing influence of social media, and shifts in our world have reshaped how we connect, share, and live. Yet, amidst these changes, God calls us to remain grounded in faith, compassion, and community.
Our world often seems focused on material gain and digital personas, glorifying characters and influences that may not reflect God’s love. We may even feel a pull toward division, isolation, or judgment. But in these moments, we are reminded of our purpose: God has called us “for a time such as this.” We are here to be vessels of love, hope, and connection in a world that needs it more than ever.
As we step into Advent, I invite each to pause, bring our doubts, our hopes, and our questions to God. Let us listen deeply for the Spirit’s guidance, allowing ourselves to anticipate God’s answers in surprising ways. In this time of waiting, embody the themes of Advent—Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love—each of which draws us closer to the wonder of Christ’s birth.
This year, our Advent sermon series, When God Speaks: The Gifts of Visions & Dreams, will lead us through the beauty and mystery of how God reaches out through visions, dreams, and the still, small voice within us. Together, we’ll explore stories from Scripture that reveal God’s messages and consider how we can discern His voice in our lives. May this series deepen our anticipation and open our hearts to hear God’s voice in new ways.
I encourage you to bring one gift to this season: the gift of expectancy. Approach each day with the hope that God is near, speaking and guiding us. To help you prepare, consider setting aside time daily to listen for God. Whether through prayer, journaling, or simple moments of silence, make space for God’s presence to fill you with peace and clarity. And remember, we are stronger together. Join in community; share in fellowship, and invite others who may be blessed by the message of Advent.
May this season renew your spirit and fill you with the joy of Christ’s coming. Together, let us walk in faith, love, and expectancy.
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Q

United Women in Faith in December ~ A Time to Celebrate
As the 2024 Advent season progresses, United Women in Faith at Saint Mark’s will come to MacMurdo Hall at 9:45 AM on Tuesday, December 10, to share holiday treats. Once again cookie boxes for members who aren’t able to attend in person will be made to be delivered. Members are asked to bring 2 or 3 dozen cookies to share. Nancy Landrum has purchased boxes, Iola Halligan has given a member list to Boni Fields; Her daughter, Denise, is once again making beautiful name tags for them! Last year, many UWF members stepped up to provide delicious cookies and members who received a box and said they were touched to get such a sweet gift.
At 10:00 AM members from all activity circles will build joy in the gathering with music and readings. Officers for the coming year to be installed at the meeting are Margie Shunk, President; Nancy Landrum, Vice President; Becky Matt D’Annunzio, Secretary and Sandra Kristensen, Treasurer. Mission Coordinators will be Lori Bishop, Education; Boni Fields, Spiritual Growth; Lynn Tracy-Kendall and Iola Halligan, Membership Nurture and Outreach; Cynthia Lawrence, Social Action as well as Marilyn Kissler, Program Resources.
The United Women in Faith membership is comprised of women from all backgrounds and experiences, compelled by their Christian faith to serve wherever they are called. Newcomers are always welcome. UWF Mission Giving – which is unrestricted funds – supports the total program of the organization. Members are asked to send their pledge payments to current Treasurer Ginny Romero before the end of the month.

WoW Group
A new group has emerged at Saint Mark’s UMC! WoW (Widows or Widowers) has taken shape with plans of gathering at least once a month for food, fellowship, and fun. Other activities that our very active WoW group is planning are trips to various destinations of interest in and around the Sacramento area. Game days at the church, pot lucks, social gatherings at member’s houses, and attending local plays and movies are also on tap. The group is open to all widows or widowers who are part of the Saint Mark’s community and friends.
If you would like to share a meal, attend a movie or play, or just gather for fellowship while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea with old and new friends we encourage you to join our group. For more information you can contact Ron West 916.206.8078 or Jan Dell 916.376.7637. Keep watching for upcoming events and info.
A Letter from Juanah Koker, Board of Trustees Chairperson
It has been a busy and productive year for the Trustees, and I am confident that we will continue to make great strides as we move into 2025. Thank you again for your continued support and dedication. Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season filled with peace, love, and gratitude.
Despite the progress we’ve made, there is still a long to-do list. In the coming months, we are excited to focus on upgrading the campus lighting to more energy-efficient fixtures and installing smart dust-to-dawn sensors where possible. We also have plans to paint the eaves of our buildings and tackle many other outstanding tasks that will further improve the campus for our congregation.
There is still much work to be done. Looking ahead, we are planning to restore the cooking appliances in Grace Café, and we’ve recently completed energy audits with SMUD, paving the way for the installation of air conditioning in the near future. We have also contracted a landscaping service to help maintain the campus grounds. While they will assist with upkeep, we have instructed them to leave the gardens untouched unless specifically directed otherwise. We understand how passionate Mary Kohatsu is about the gardens, and we want to ensure that the landscapers respect the plants she has so lovingly tended to.
In terms of facility improvements, Trustees have been busy working on several projects, many of which may not be immediately noticeable but are no less significant. In June, we enclosed the younger children’s playground with a new white wrought iron fence, which beautifully complements the staircase railing of the education building. In Wesley Hall, we replaced the outdated Formica-covered particle board counter in the kitchenette with brand-new cabinets and a stunning natural stone countertop. Additionally, the automatic dishwasher in Mac Murdo Hall kitchen has been repaired, ensuring our facilities are fully functional for our community’s needs.
I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of Mary Kohatsu, Tony and Cathie Haywood, and several other volunteers who have worked tirelessly for the past four years to maintain and nurture the garden and landscaping on our campus. Their dedication has made a lasting impact, and the beauty of our grounds is a testament to their love and care.
As the year draws to a close and we prepare to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each member of our Board of Trustees. Through your hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment, we have made remarkable progress in addressing a long list of important projects. Together, we are steadily turning vision into reality, and for that, I thank you all.
Warmest regards,
Juanah Koker, Chair
Board of Trustees

Upcoming Opportunity: Landscape Workday
All are welcome to join in the next all-church landscape workday Saturday morning, Dec. 7th from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. As always come when you can and leave when you must. Thanks so much to the volunteers who help out in the landscaping. Hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall colors all around church.
Take care, Mary Kohatsu

Help the Saint Mark's Mercy Pedalers Christmas Morning
What is Christmas like for our unsheltered neighbors? It can be cold and lonely and spent missing families. As the holiday approaches, please consider helping the Saint Mark’s Mercy Pedalers and thank you for caring for our unsheltered neighbors this Christmas. Saint Marks contributes in so many ways to help folks on the street have a better life. Here are some ways you can help:

Choral music was a large part of the Saint Mark’s mission team’s experience in September among Angolan Methodists. The first day we arrived at Bom Jesus, about 15 women welcomed us with spontaneous song. We gathered at the Jango with pastor Afão Kingles on his last day of service after 5 years at Bom Jesus. He led a brief devotion, wrapped in several hymns and dancing. We knew the music for two of the songs and were able to join in, even without quite remembering the English words. We shared a video of the Strathdees leading What does the Lord require. Everyone was enthusiastic to try it. We shared the sheet music, overlaid with a fair Portuguese translation. Eduardo Sebastião, who directs the Central choir at Bethel UMC in Luanda, suggested a slightly different translation to better fit the music. He said he would teach it to his choir. Both churches where we worshipped on the two Sundays had at least two choirs, each singing at least two anthems. The team was Joel and Françoise Bulaya, Jane Henderson, and Jim Eychaner.

A JOYful Time in Sunday School!
Hey kids, you won’t want to miss the JOYful time we have planned for you in Sunday School. As we prepare for Christmas we will focus on the JOYs found in the Christmas story through activities and music. Come find out what is hidden in the WONDER box each week and how it relates to the morning message. Children will be singing in church this December so please contact Mary Kohatsu for more information about practices. And don’t forget we have a Winter garden that we take care of. We had fun last month picking the last of the tomatoes, green beans, carrots and peas.
Looking forward to seeing you in Sunday School!
Boni Fields, Sunday School Director | Mary Muret & Margie Shunk, Teachers | Mary Kohatsu, Garden & Children’s Music Coordinator