Markings Newsletter

Volume: 87 | Issue: 09
From Rev. Quentisha Davis Wiles, MSW, ASW, MDIV, Senior Pastor
Greetings beloved friends!
It brings me great joy to be back among you after a much-needed time of rest and renewal. I am truly grateful for the compassionate pastors and visiting preachers who cared for our community in my absence. Your faithful service is a testament to the love of Christ.
As we reunite, I find myself reflecting on the state of our souls. In the busyness of life, do we take time to be still, to reflect on our thoughts, plans, and the gifts that surround us? The scriptures remind us that rest is a form of worship, an act of resistance, a spiritual practice we often neglect. In Genesis, we read that even God, after the work of creation, “…rested from all the work that he had done” (Genesis 2:2-3).
This month, we will embark on a worship series titled “Music is Life: A Disciple’s Journey,” where we will explore the hymns and songs of saints who have gone before us. Through their gifts of praise, may we be inspired to slow down, listen, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to our weary souls.
Friends, I encourage you to incorporate rest into your spiritual practice. Set aside time each day to be still and know that God is present. Reflect on the ways you have seen God’s hand moving in your life, and allow yourself to be renewed by the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Remember, beloved, that your work is done in partnership with the Holy Spirit. When you feel overwhelmed, pause, and ask, “Where is God in this moment, and how do I know it is God?” In those quiet moments, may you find the strength and wisdom to respond to the gentle promptings of the Spirit.
As we journey together, let us embrace self-care and soul-care as a means of being a healthy witness to the world. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). May these words be a reminder of the peace and presence that awaits you.
Blessings and love,
Pastor Quentisha Davis Wiles, Senior Pastor
Welcoming our New Minister of Music, Rick Schlosser!!
The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is pleased to announce Rick Schlosser as Saint Mark’s Minister of Music. Rick is ordained by the Methodist church and has extensive experience serving as a minister, minister of music, choir director, and organist for a variety of churches throughout Northern California and beyond. He is passionate about encouraging the congregation to worship through a diversity of musical styles. He grew up in Central Ohio and has called Northern California home for the past 30 years. He has also devoted significant time to leading faith-based non-profit organizations that focus on various social justice issues. He joins us from his previous position as organist/accompanist/handbell director at Carmichael Presbyterian Church, and is retiring as the Executive Director of the California Council of Churches/Church IMPACT, based here in Sacramento.
Beginning on September 1, Rick is excited to help create some amazing music with everyone at Saint Mark’s. When you see him on Sunday mornings or around campus, please give him a warm welcome!

Hey Kids! Come check out Sunday School!
Do you know what it means to be courageous? Are there times when you’ve needed courage to do something? Sunday School in September will focus on courage, choosing to act in faith even when you are afraid. We will hear stories about women in the Bible who were courageous in difficult situations and how we can be courageous too. We’ll also take time each week to find out what is hidden in our Wonder Box and how it relates to the story.
Did you know we have a Kid’s Garden? On many Sundays we spend time in the garden planting or picking produce. Recently we harvested tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots and grapes. So, be sure and come check out Sunday School and bring a friend.
Boni Fields, Sunday School Director
Mary Maret & Margie Shunk, Teachers
Mary Kohatsu, Garden & Children’s Music Coordinator

Congregational Care Ministers – 5 Positions Open at Saint Mark’s
Have you ever been told you are a good listener? Do you have a desire to hear people’s stories and provide encouragement? Maybe you have incredible administrative skills and like to help organize systems. Saint Mark’s is starting a Congregational Care Ministry. We are looking for five individuals who feel called to provide meaningful care and support to our congregation.
Training will begin with a 2-day webinar October 18-19. There is a signup sheet in the Narthex to register for the training. If you would like to learn more about what it means to be a CCM, you can read more on our website at or contact the church office at 916.483.7848 or
Make a Difference in a Third Graders Reading Journey with Just One Hour a Week!

Where: Thomas Edison Language Institute: 2950 Hurley Way, Sacramento, CA 95864
When: Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday 12:25 – 1:05 PM
How: All materials are provided along with instructions.
Bring: Your love of reading and enthusiasm to work with children!
- Michelle Parsons: 916.402.0506
- Tina Casanova: 916.799.0966
- Lisa Abcarius: 916.206.6405
Getting to the Other Side of Grief
You have the opportunity to participate in a 13-week grief recovery support group, where you will learn practical tips for navigating your grief.
Arcade Church at 3927 Marconi Avenue is beginning a GriefShare Group September 3 from 1 to 3 PM. then the following 12 Tuesdays. You may start at any time and attend as many or as few sessions as you want. There is no charge. You may purchase a workbook for $20.
Ron West and Jan Dell from Saint Marks are also participating in this group and hope to start a fellowship group for widows and widowers in the near future.
You may sign up either by calling Arcade Church office at 916.972.1617 or filling out the form HERE.
Expanding the Memorial Rose Garden - All Church Workday September 7
We need volunteers to help ready a new memorial site for loved ones’ ashes. The current rose garden is full. Join us Saturday, September 7, from 7:30-11:30 AM for this important church project. Please contact Mary Kohatsu 916.317.4893 or Becky D’Annunzio 916.548.3151 for information.

Thank You Saint Mark’s Community!
Thank you so much for my wonderful baby shower! The generous outpouring of gifts has been overwhelming. I am so grateful to be a part of such a loving and supportive community. A special thank you to Sylvia & Denise Cruz, Lisa & Dan Mattos, Cathie & Tony Haywood, Toni Eaton, Michael Mathews, & Chris Harris. I can’t wait to have my little one join this incredible community of people! ~ Amelia
We Need You! - Join the Team!
Writers, Social Media Magicians, Graphic Artists, Doers, Brainstormers, Idea People, Project Managers, Photographers, Videographers, and Creative Types.
Join our Marketing & Communications Team.
Your gifts & talents will transform the world through God’s love.
Text or Call:
Colleen Townsley Brinkmann

New Prayer Requests
Rev. Eva and Ed Martin
Charlie Onne
Cath Fenimore-Brown
Preston Fernandez
Mary Beth Bernards
Bill Jarvis
Walter Aldrich
Dick Bishop
Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson
Sandy Balkema for successful surgery and recovery
Ashley Johnson for abundance
Deanna Pootjes and Family
Holding in Prayer
Hezekiah Wiles
Erica Williams
Xavia Ortiz
Dejohn, Innes and John Davis
Billy Garner
Jessie and Deborah Wiles
Heinrich & Gladys Lugert
Joe Eckardt
Jim Bulls
John Miller
Danielle Ortiz
Robin Ware
Brenda Zipners
Pastor Linda Kelly
Khady Bannister
Crystal Grant
Richard Burns and Bob Jacobs
Millie Loutensock
Pam and Chris Waldrep
Mary Ann Gile
Robert Grieve
Ann Parsons
Paul Blankenship
Charlotte Gardner
Lucy Jeffries
Olivia Jones
Prayers for world peace

September greets United Women in Faith's Plans
September has the flavor of a new year when schools begin and election excitement is in the air. United Women in Faith resumes their monthly gatherings Tuesday, 9/10, at 9:45 AM in MacMurdo Hall.
As UWF President Margie Shunk reports, “Our September 10 Gathering will feature our UWF sisters who have been a part of the UWF Reading Program this past year, highlighting the books they have read.”
Marilyn Kissler has led the Reading Program which also begins a new year in September. When readers submit their Report of Completion by August 31, they will be recognized with a Certificate of Recognition. Margie notes, “you pick a book from five different genres or areas: Social Action, Leadership Development, Education for Mission, Spiritual Growth and Nurture for Community as well as read response Magazine.” She continues, “I hope you will take a book off the UWF book cart on a Sunday morning and be inspired and educated as I have been.”
The September gathering traditionally receives the World Thank Offering which is a way for members of United Women in Faith to show gratitude for God’s blessings and to find creative ways to raise funds to improve the lives of women, children, and youth. Some women drop a coin in a box each day to give thanks for their daily blessings, while others add coins and dollars on special occasions in their lives. The World Thank Offering supports the total program of mission carried on through UWF’s national office in the US and around the world.
Saint Mark’s United Women in Faith will also be volunteering information to be used in this year’s local and state elections.
United Women in Faith resumes Bible Study September 12
Meeting the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM in Room E-4 of the Education Building, the group will be taught by the Rev. Linda Pickens-Jones using the book Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton. The book is available from Cokesbury or Amazon. Co-leaders Cynthia Lawrence and Lori White can answer questions about the group.

Jazz Sunday Service - September 15, 2024
As part of Pastor Quentisha’s “Music is Life” sermon series, our service on September 15 will feature music from the jazz tradition. Jazz is recognized as an American art form that has deep roots in the Church through gospel, blues, and African American musical culture. Jazz is characterized by three features: (1) creativity through improvisation; (2) unique rhythms (e.g., swing and syncopation); and (3) non-traditional chords and harmonies. Just as jazz can bring fresh insights and interpretations to traditional music (including hymns), may the Holy Spirit open our hearts to new perspectives that enable our faith and love to grow.
We are delighted to welcome to the service, guest musicians, Dave and Tracey Wiltshire, members of Celtic Cross Church in Citrus Heights.