Markings Newsletter

Volume: 81 | Issue: 03

From Rev. Quentisha Davis Wiles, MSW, ASW, MDIV, Senior Pastor
Greetings, Saint Mark’s Community,
I greet you in the loving and matchless name of Jesus Christ.
Now nearly mid-way through the Lenten season’s sermon series, “Be Real!” do you find yourself reflecting what it means to be “real”? Are you wrestling with the message, idea or challenges presented at the intersection of faith and life? How are you being present amidst life’s happenings? And, finally, how’s your love walk? You know, the walk that moves us closer to God and away from the confinement of conformity, distractions, time vampires, harmful and brutal judgments, and participation in life’s superficial witness of love? Are you being real with yourself and God? Are you safe to live out your love for God and Humanity unapologetically?
God is calling us, inviting us, nudging us to come closer to Love, to spend time with the Spirit in prayer, quiet time, walks, study, and embrace. Intimacy with God is nourishing and transformative to our soul and equips us to Love. Not just any kind of love. But the Love that bears witness to humanity’s suffering, need for community, and radical distribution of love in action. Agape love is the fullness of our faith realized and the embodiment of our God.
Matthew 5:14-16 says it this way, “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep an open house; be generous with your lives. By opening to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” (MSG)
As we continue our own journey, listen to what the God is saying to us personally and collectively. As we walk in God’s love, I pray the fruits of the spirit will reign in us and us in the world. My request to you: be prayerful and vigilant in this season, and mindful of the vices used to spilt, manipulate, and divide humanity. Invite someone to join us in worship, study, or an event. Share your love walk and journey with someone else. Let’s make a commitment to be light and Love, and please no matter what, please, do not get weary in doing well!
The journey continues, see you Sunday and during Holy Week. I am excited to see what God will do in us and through us – next.
Be Blessed,
Pastor Quentisha Davis Wiles, Senior Pastor
Trustees Report: 2-25-24 by Juanah Koker
I want to take this opportunity to express a heartfelt thank you to Richard Fox, John Grady, and Miriam McCormack for their work as members of Trustees. These individual services ended in January 2024. Our newest members are Erik Olson, David Jaske, and Chanel Yates, and they are joining Ron West, Becky D’Annunzio, Bill Keye, Randy Marx, and myself.
We are working within the available general budget and have had success with a few major projects. Within the past eight months, we have replaced the MacMurdo Hall kitchen garbage disposal and repaired two major leaks in 2” water mains that service the Sanctuary and Education Building. The most recent water main repair occurred near the gate that leads to the back parking lot where the root of a pine tree ruptured the pipe in early December. The reason our trash dumpster has temporarily been moved to the front lot is to accommodate our service provider, who refuses to enter the back lot to empty the dumpster until repairs to the pavement are complete. The pipe has been repaired, but we are currently waiting for favorable paving weather to pave the area of work.
We are proceeding with work on the second floor of the Sanctuary mezzanine, which is in permitting status with the County of Sacramento. Erik Olson has volunteered to help in finalizing this permit.
Landscape maintenance is a continuous issue. Fortunately, Mary Kohatsu, in conjunction with the Trustees, is leading a team of volunteers to maintain the landscaping of the entire campus every first Saturday of each month between 8:00 AM to 12 Noon. All are welcome to join the landscaping crew!
Our goal for 2024 is to address this list of projects: restructuring of fees for facility rental; AC replacement that cools Bonnie Fields’ office, the library, and the Fireside Room; upgrade of MacMurdo Hall ceiling and floor tiles along with the men’s and women’s restrooms; upgrades to Grace Café’s cooling system and kitchen; sound improvements in Wesley Hall; and painting and dry rot repair around campus.
Trustees meet the second Tuesday of each month in E-25 at 7:00 PM. An open forum is always on the agenda where anyone is welcome to raise any issue of concern. Our church thrives on the energy and time you commit to this community. Thank you so much for all you do. The impact of your gifts of time, resources, and talent advances Saint Mark’s vision – Enriching community and transforming the world through God’s love.
Weekly Financial Update 2-19 to 2-25
Special Offering: $0
Total Contributions: $5,799.95
- General: $5,627.95
- Designated: $172
2024 Annual Budget: $704,231
Monthly Requirement: $58,686
Total Income Year To Date through February 25, 2024: $101,753.66
Total Expenses Year To Date through February 25, 2024: $81,596.19

Rainbow Alliance - Revitalized and Open to All
Join in representing Saint Mark’s at Sacramento’s 2024 Pride Parade June 8 & 9! Help us show the Sacramento LGBTQ+ community that God loves all and at Saint Mark’s “All means All!” The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex, or email Richard Fox at

Palm Sunday Brunch
Join in the fellowship! Delicious meal included! Thank you, Sandy Allen, for continuing to host these lovely events. Our next brunch is Palm Sunday, March 24. If you would like to help, please call Sandy Allen at 916-784-9376.
Cards and Games for Projects: Bridge, Mexican Train Dominoes, and Scrabble – Open to All

Let us Pray: Exploring Prayer through Prayer Beads United Women of Faith on March 12
The Reverend Linda Pickens-Jones and Boni Fields will lead a time of reflection on prayer through all the Church seasons, focusing on some tools for prayer, and creating prayer beads for our personal use. The use of prayer beads is an ancient tradition from many religions, which we will incorporate into our own spiritual disciplines. UWF will also participate in the UWF Call to Prayer and Self-Denial, with the annual offering. UWF will gather March 12 at 9:45 am in MacMurdo Hall for refreshments and conversation, and at 10:00 come together for the program. Newcomers are always welcome!
Cards and Games for Projects has been a part of United Women of Faith for many years, and is open to everyone across generations! Not only does it elevate the level of community and fun, it raises funds to support Saint Mark’s mission. Game-players donate $1.00 per game day – the best entertainment bargain in town!
Currently, there are three games in play: a Bridge group, Scrabble, and Mexican Train Dominoes. Other games can be added or changed out based on demand. And, best of all? Everyone is welcome regardless of skill level.
Bridge Group: Meets on the second Wednesday of each month; 12:30 PM in Room E-24. We could use a few new (daytime) members, and could add a second group which would meet in the evening. Contact Polly Hasemann: 916-681-0524.
Scrabble: Meets on the first Friday of each month at 1:00 PM in Room E-24. Anyone who can spell a word or two is warmly welcomed! Contact Marilyn Hasbrouck: 916-481-0851.
Mexican Train Dominoes kicks off with a potluck lunch (guaranteed to be delicious!) on the second Saturday of each month, High Noon in Room E-26 Fireside Room. Contact Marilyn Hasbrouck: 916-481-0851.
Dominoes is especially noted for being interdenominational and intergenerational. So, come and bring your kids, friends, partners, a favorite auntie. All means all.

Powerful Cross-Generational Saint Mark’s Team Builds at Habitat
On Saturday, February 10, a team of 12 Saint Mark’s disciples worked on three Habitat homes in Oak Park during the annual “Build for Unity” project. This was an interfaith build, now a nationwide model. Kudos to Pastor Quintesha and her son Hezekiah, Juanah Koker and sons, Jayden and J.J., the McCormack’s and the Castelluccio family of five. Work included fencing installation and interior and exterior painting. It was wonderful to work alongside the future homeowners and hear their stories of perseverance. Dedication of all three homes will occur in the spring; we will let you know the date and hope you can attend. Saint Mark’s has partnered with Sacramento Habitat since the early 2000’s, and actually built a house (“the Saint’s Build”) with St. Michael’s Episcopal and St. Ignatius RCC. Thank you to all who participated and helped fulfill our vision of “enriching the community and transforming the world through God’s love!” – The McCormack’s
The Upper Room Devotionals - Ginny Romero
Have you been looking for a daily devotional guide that can inspire you, educate you, challenge you, and relate to your life? The Upper Room could be a great resource for you. The Upper Room is a daily devotional magazine published in more than 35 languages in over 100 countries. It is a global ministry dedicated to supporting the spiritual life of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. From its beginnings in 1935 as a daily devotional guide, The Upper Room has grown to include publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service.
When created, The Upper Room was not just a Methodist publication, but a gift from Methodists to the larger church. It was envisioned as a devotional aid that was not doctrinal, but inclusive, centered not on differences but on beliefs that Christians hold in common The daily meditations are written by readers of the magazine and others interested in sharing their faith experiences through writing – both laity and clergy, published authors and new writers. The meditations are stories of real people working to live faithfully with the Bible as their touchstone. Every day, readers of The Upper Room around the world read the same story in many different languages and pray the same prayer together.
Saint Mark’s orders copies for the congregation to take. They are located in the clear plastic wall pamphlet holder in the Narthex. There is also a box beside them if you are able to contribute $2.00. These devotionals are published 6 times per year, and can be ordered in large print, regular print, or digitally. Check one out and see if it is a good resource for your daily devotional life. These are great gifts to yourself and others.
New Prayer Requests
Kathy Johnson
Kathy Atkins
Cathe Chatterton for recovery and healing
Jan Dell for the passing of her husband Dick Dell
Roselene Kelley for the passing of her husband
Dick Kelley
Deanna McKnight for healing
John Miller for good health
Nicola Biasi for healing
Danielle Ortiz for healing and recovery
Debbie Wiles
Robin Ware
Brenda Zipners
Pastor Linda Kelly
Khady Bannister
Crystal Grant
Richard Burns and Bob Jacobs
Life Update from Rachel Davis
Hello, Saint Mark’s Family!
I want to start by saying that there will never be enough words or time to express my appreciation for you all. If not for your prayers, vibes, and good energy, I don’t think I could have made it through my stay in the hospital last year. You kept me going and lifted me up during dark days, and I will forever be grateful. Since September, my family and I have received so many gifts, cards, postcards, flowers, texts, and e-mails that I am absolutely speechless, which I honestly thought was impossible. From the bottom of my heart and the depth of my soul, THANK YOU. Baby Jupiter is now almost THREE MONTHS OLD and, aside from not letting her parents get any sleep, she is just a wonderful, healthy little human doing all the “normal” baby things. Duncan, now five-years-old, is the best big brother in the world and can calm Jupiter down just by sitting near her. Freyja is two-and-a-half and is the sweetest, most loving person I have ever known, and she’s very excited to have a little sister. My husband, Ellery, and I are… hanging in there and doing our best with this crazy crew, which includes our beautiful nanny dog, Zoey. I look forward to seeing you all again this year!
All the love and gratitude,
Rachael Davis, Music Worship Leader

Plastic Collection Update
Thank you for continuing to recycle your clean, stretchable plastic bags and film. Besides our bench, we have also contributed to Sierra Vista Church’s bench for Gateway Preschool. We will continue to collect the plastic for the Carmichael Kiwanis recycling project.
Reminder: Only CLEAN, stretchable plastic with all paper stickers and labels removed can be accepted.
Not Acceptable plastic: Six pack rings, Salad mix bags, Pet food bags, Compostable bags or packaging, Meat packaging, Mesh bags, Candy wrappers and bags.

Holding in Prayer
Wayne Turner
Pam and Chris Waldrep for health and healing
Luci Schwartz
Mary Ann Gile
Robert Grieve for health, healing, and decisions
Sharon Grieve
Ann Parsons
Paul Blankenship
Charlotte Gardner
Lucy Jeffries
Olivia Jones
Prayers for world peace